Sun. 10/09/11 11:50 AM
Those who demean, ridicule and/or attempt to intimidate others while exercising their constitutional rights, the same rights guaranteed of all US citizens ��" many of us live and die every day fighting to protect, have you not indeed lost all due respect, duty, honor and commonsense toward why more than 200-years ago;
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Do not submit to the same accusatory you, name-calling or stereotyping of others while stating your position on these or any issues and understand that to do otherwise is only promoting or engaging in Hegelian dictatorships rule and anticipated global agendas.
From The Detroit News:
Last Updated: October 09. 2011 1:52AM
Nolan Finley
Column: Can't wait for Occupy Detroit
I can't wait for the menagerie of malcontents who call themselves Occupy Wall Street to arrive in Detroit and other mainstream American cities.
It will be good for real Americans to get a look at the folks President Barack Obama says represent their frustration with the condition of the country.
The protest movement that started in New York's financial district several weeks ago with a couple hundred enthusiastic and unfocused shouters has grown to a few thousand, and now is vowing to take its show on the road.
They're expected in Detroit near month's end.
Occupy Wall Street's main objective, from what I can make out from the inchoate signage, is the destruction of capitalism (a goal to which Obama can relate), although on a whim they can switch to global warming, medical marijuana or any number of other pet causes dear to the disaffected Left.
Clearly, they're angry with America, resent its founding values and would like to see the fat cats who run the place boiled in oil.
Or at least that's what they're Twittering.
Obama, asked about the budding movement last week, said he "sympathized" with Occupy Wall Street — not surprising, since they share a donor base.
And he opined that they are speaking for the great body of Americans who resent that some people have nice stuff and others don't, and are counting on him to play Robin Hood.
It's odd that such a small and predictable group could grab the president's attention.
He didn't seem to hear anything of value when tens of thousands of tea partiers were pouring into the streets to protest exploding deficits and Washington's fiscal recklessness.
He certainly didn't sympathize with those Americans. Nor did he accept that they represented the country's broader discontent.
And while the president and his media horde heard every whisper from a tea party rally that sounded like a threat or suggested racist undertones, they seem blissfully ignorant of the vicious and hateful side of Occupy Wall Street.
This is far from a peaceful protest. Cops in New York are arresting the increasingly violent activists by the hundreds.
Videos have caught incidents of Jewish passers-by being taunted by the protesters — of course, it's a quick step from attacking financial institutions to indulging anti-Semitism.
State lawmakers in New York have received emails reportedly connected to Occupy Wall Street containing this cheery call to action: "It's time to kill the wealthy."
I haven't taken a poll, but my hunch is more Americans relate to "cut the spending" than to "kill the wealthy."
That's why I'm eager to see this freak show arrive in Detroit.
It'll be informative for voters to compare the American protesters Barack Obama sympathizes with to those he despises.
(313) 222-2064
Nolan Finley is editorial page editor of The News. Read his recent columns and blog at and watch him at 7:30 p.m. Fridays on “Am I Right?” on Detroit Public TV, Channel 56.
From The Detroit News:’t-wait-for-Occupy-Detroit#ixzz1aInBouRd