Contact: Richard A. Sands, Ret. PI or 734-771-7251

Email or Call 734-771-7251 Richard A. Sands, Ret. PI

Monday, October 31, 2011

Drug Deaths Exceed Traffic Deaths


Sept. 20, 2011

Drugs now kill more people than motor vehicle accidents in the U.S. -- a monumental shift that reflects gains in road safety amid a troubling rise in prescription drug abuse.
This is first time that drugs have caused more deaths than motor vehicle accidents since the government started tracking drug-related deaths in 1979. Bob Anderson, chief of the CDC's mortality statistic branch, said the swing is bittersweet.
"On one hand the motor vehicle death rate has been going down, and I think that's important in and of itself," said Anderson, crediting the bulk of the drop to speed limits and seatbelt laws. "On other hand, we've seen a fairly steep rise in drug-related deaths, and the rise is mostly due to drug overdose."
Drug overdoses and brain damage linked to long-term drug abuse killed an estimated 37,485 people in 2009, the latest year for which preliminary data are available, surpassing the toll of traffic accidents by 1,201. And the number is likely to rise as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention prepares to release its official statistics in December.
Dr. Leonard Paulozzi, medical epidemiologist at the CDC's division of unintentional injury prevention, said prescription drugs were driving up the death toll.
"There has been a dramatic increase in use of prescription drugs as physicians have become more liberal in prescribing them," said Paulozzi, adding that the bulk of drug-related deaths stems from accidental opioid painkiller overdoses. "And with the decrease in the motor vehicle crash mortality rate, drug-induced deaths have now passed motor vehicle crash deaths."

Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Message to All Police Officers From Occupy Wall Street

A Message to All Police Officers From Occupy Wall Street

Mike Ruppert addresses those police officers who have begun a campaign of violent and brutal attacks at some of the Occupy Wall Street protesters around the country, and around the world.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

List of United Nations Agencies, Programmes, NGOs and Foundations working on Contemporary Forms of Slavery

 List of United Nations Agencies, Programmes, NGOs and Foundations working on Contemporary Forms of Slavery

Amnesty International

Human Rights Watch

Derechos Human Rights

Front Line, The International Foundation for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders

Human Rights Internet

Human Rights Network International database

Human Rights Resource Center

Human Rights Web

New Internationalist


Anti-slavery society

American Anti-Slavery Group (ASSG)

Free the Slaves

Save a slave

The Wyndham Charitable Trust

Polaris Project

Committee Against Modern Slavery

SOS Esclaves Mauritania

Trafficking and sexual slavery

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime:

The emancipation Network

Coalition against Trafficking in Women

Project to end Human Trafficking

Ban-Ying (Germany)

Bangladesh National Women Lawyer’s Association

Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women

Global Rights, Initiative Against Trafficking in Persons

Human Trafficking Search (National Multicultural Institute)

International Organization for Migration, Prevention of Trafficking in Women in the Baltic States project

La Strada International

Perm Center Against Violence and Human Trafficking (Russia)

The Barnaba Institute

Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking

Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition

Shared Hope International

Action to End Exploitation

Protection Project

Forced labour and migrant exploitation

International Labor Organisation

International Labor Rights Fund

International Organization for Migration

Kalayaan – Justice for migrant workers

Matahari Eye of the Day

Global Workers Justice Alliance

Human Rights for workers

Irish Congress of Trade Unions

International Confederation of Free Trade Unions

Trades Union Congress UK

Instituto Sindicale per la Cooperazione et lo Sviluppo

Coalition of Labor Union Women

International Organization of Employers

World Confederation of Labour

Children (forced labour and sexual slavery


International Initiative to End Child Labor

ECPAT International (child prostitution and trafficking of children for sexual purposes)

Justice for Children International

Save the children

Child Labor Coalition

World Tourism Organization – Task to Protect Children from Sexual Exploitation in Tourism

South Asian Coalition on Child Servitude

Child Rights Information Network

Action Against Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Children (ALTEN)

Association pour la lutte Contre le Travail des Enfants au Niger (ALTEN)

Butterflies Programme for Street and Working Children (India)

Casa Alianza Latina America

Casa Alianza UK

Child Labour Awareness

Child Rights Information Network

Child Workers in Asia

Child Workers in Nepal

Concerned for Working Children

Free the Children

Free the Children India

Global March Against Child Labour

HAQ: Centre for Child Rights and Campaign to Stop Child Labour

International Federation of Free Trade Unions (Child labour section)

ILO – International Programme of the Elimination of Child Labour

Child Trafficking Digital Library

World Congress Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children

The World Bank- Child Labour

Understanding Children’s Work: An inter-agency research cooperation project on child labour

ECLT Foundation – addressing the challenge of child labour in tobacco growing

World Congress against Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

RugMark Foundation

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Child Slavery USA: Child Protective Services (CPS)

Child Slavery USA: Child Protective Services (CPS) Tue, Sep 6, 2011
Karin Lowery and others whose children have been abducted by CPS and one advocate Dawne Worswick, who was victimized...
Child Protective Services (CPS) is wreaking havoc in the lives of families across the country. Join the Justice Journalist as she interviews young mother, Karin Lowery and others whose children have been abducted by CPS and one advocate Dawne Worswick, who was victimized by--but, survived--the CPS system. Call in number: (760) 695-5601. Join our After Hours show at 5:35 p.m. EST, phone: 712.432.0900, access code: 948395 to comment on this topic.
Child Slavery USA: Child Protective Services (CPS) Part 2 Tue, Sep 13, 2011
Ernest Moore, a social worker from Los Angeles county Department of Child Family Services...
What does Child Protective Services (CPS) say about charges that they wrongfully abduct children from their homes? Ernest Moore, a social worker from Los Angeles county Department of Child Family Services, provides insight and information on this topic based on his professional experience with the agency. Is CPS abducting children illegally? Are parents unfit to raise them? Are the government and legal system, pimping kids? Call in number: (760) 695-5601. Join our After Hours show at 5:35 p.m. EST, phone: 712.432.0900, access code: 948395 to comment on this topic.
Child Slavery USA: Child Protective Services, Undercover Pt3 Sat, Sep 24, 2011
Richard A. Sands, a private investigator knows first-hand. Mr. Sands of RS&S International, LLC - Private Detective Agency...
Is Child Protective Services (CPS) instrumental in the problems of child abuse and child trafficking? Richard A. Sands, a private investigator knows first-hand. Mr. Sands of RS&S International, LLC - Private Detective Agency joins us to discuss this very disturbing problem that's ruining families and the lives of children across the country. Call in number: (760) 695-5601. Join our After Hours show at 11:35 a.m. EST, phone: 712.432.0900, access code: 948395 to comment on this topic.

Friday, October 14, 2011

US Losing the Battle against Sex Trafficking? "The 700 Club" to talk about this

What happens to sex trafficking victims in the United States? What happens to the those who sell victims?

Former Rep. Linda Smith, founder of Shared Hope International, appeared on Thursday's "The 700 Club" to talk about this and on what her organization is doing to combat this issue. Click play to watch the interview.

To the untrained eye, trafficking is hard to spot. While many believe it's confined mainly to urban areas, CBN News recently discovered that Toledo, Ohio, is one of the top city for trafficking.

An FBI anti-trafficking task force now operates there, as well as in 38 other communities around the country.

Problems within the system abound, however, making justice difficult to obtain.

Also, most state laws aren't nearly as comprehensive or severe as federal laws, often leaving authorities with nowhere to take victims.

"Most of the girls have no self-esteem by the time we get them. They have been beaten," FBI Victim Specialist Jennifer Meyers said.

Across the country, Christian grassroots groups have begun to set up shelters for victims - a beginning step in an enormous battle to fight this modern atrocity.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

United Sisters and Brothers of the World, (US 99% v. 1%) Occupy Wall Street protest...

United Sisters and Brothers of the World, (US 99% v. 1%) Occupy Wall Street protest... Why #OccupyWallStreet? Four Reasons from DC Douglas
Many are “asking, what is this movement really about” and why is it so important? The beauty of it is that the answer depends on who you are, really. But (and/or however), despite the organic nature and diversity of this grassroots effort, there is a common thread: people are angry that most of us are suffering because of the greed and unchecked power of a very few.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Detroit News Column: Can't wait for Occupy Detroit

Sun. 10/09/11 11:50 AM

Those who demean, ridicule and/or attempt to intimidate others while exercising their constitutional rights, the same rights guaranteed of all US citizens ��" many of us live and die every day fighting to protect, have you not indeed lost all due respect, duty, honor and commonsense toward why more than 200-years ago;

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Do not submit to the same accusatory you, name-calling or stereotyping of others while stating your position on these or any issues and understand that to do otherwise is only promoting or engaging in Hegelian dictatorships rule and anticipated global agendas.

RSNSINTLLLC, Southgate, Michigan

From The Detroit News:

The above comment was and/or is a personal response to the following Detroit News Nolan Finley: Column: Can’t wait for Occupy Detroit - 10/09/2011

From The Detroit News:’t-wait-for-Occupy-Detroit#ixzz1aIoZQTRQ

Last Updated: October 09. 2011 1:52AM

Nolan Finley

Column: Can't wait for Occupy Detroit

I can't wait for the menagerie of malcontents who call themselves Occupy Wall Street to arrive in Detroit and other mainstream American cities.

It will be good for real Americans to get a look at the folks President Barack Obama says represent their frustration with the condition of the country.

The protest movement that started in New York's financial district several weeks ago with a couple hundred enthusiastic and unfocused shouters has grown to a few thousand, and now is vowing to take its show on the road.

They're expected in Detroit near month's end.

Occupy Wall Street's main objective, from what I can make out from the inchoate signage, is the destruction of capitalism (a goal to which Obama can relate), although on a whim they can switch to global warming, medical marijuana or any number of other pet causes dear to the disaffected Left.

Clearly, they're angry with America, resent its founding values and would like to see the fat cats who run the place boiled in oil.

Or at least that's what they're Twittering.

Obama, asked about the budding movement last week, said he "sympathized" with Occupy Wall Street — not surprising, since they share a donor base.

And he opined that they are speaking for the great body of Americans who resent that some people have nice stuff and others don't, and are counting on him to play Robin Hood.

It's odd that such a small and predictable group could grab the president's attention.

He didn't seem to hear anything of value when tens of thousands of tea partiers were pouring into the streets to protest exploding deficits and Washington's fiscal recklessness.

He certainly didn't sympathize with those Americans. Nor did he accept that they represented the country's broader discontent.

And while the president and his media horde heard every whisper from a tea party rally that sounded like a threat or suggested racist undertones, they seem blissfully ignorant of the vicious and hateful side of Occupy Wall Street.

This is far from a peaceful protest. Cops in New York are arresting the increasingly violent activists by the hundreds.

Videos have caught incidents of Jewish passers-by being taunted by the protesters — of course, it's a quick step from attacking financial institutions to indulging anti-Semitism.

State lawmakers in New York have received emails reportedly connected to Occupy Wall Street containing this cheery call to action: "It's time to kill the wealthy."

I haven't taken a poll, but my hunch is more Americans relate to "cut the spending" than to "kill the wealthy."

That's why I'm eager to see this freak show arrive in Detroit.

It'll be informative for voters to compare the American protesters Barack Obama sympathizes with to those he despises.

(313) 222-2064

Nolan Finley is editorial page editor of The News. Read his recent columns and blog at and watch him at 7:30 p.m. Fridays on “Am I Right?” on Detroit Public TV, Channel 56.

From The Detroit News:’t-wait-for-Occupy-Detroit#ixzz1aInBouRd

Friday, October 7, 2011

Fighting against the NWO Corporatocracy's Leviathan/Beast

JOIN US TODAY, TOMORROW AND THE DAY AFTER "Fighting against the NWO Corporatocracy's Leviathan/Beast"

About Occupy Together Meetups Everywhere: Now 4,627 Occupiers 984 Cities

This is OCCUPY TOGETHER’s hub for all of the events springing up across the country in solidarity with Occupy Wall St.  See what is going on in your community or get something started! (Social Justice for all our 99%er’s who stand united against the 1%er’s Crime, Control and their NWO Corporatocracy’s Leviathan/Beast)...  Help US end/stop Drug, Human & Gun Trafficking! SMIB!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Allen Cardoza and Les Brown - Human Trafficking, Teen Runaways and Abducted Children

Les Brown Interviews Allen Cardoza who describes his work with teen runaways, recovery of abducted children, human trafficking and more. Allen Cardoza is the President of Westshield Adolescent Services and Host of Answers for the Family Radio Show.