Contact: Richard A. Sands, Ret. PI or 734-771-7251

Email or Call 734-771-7251 Richard A. Sands, Ret. PI

Tuesday, August 28, 2012



Rape-kit pileups aren’t just a problem in Detroit. In recent years, cities across the country have reported mountains of kits—11,000 in San Antonio, 1,200 in Albuquerque, 4,000 in Houston—according to Sarah Tofte, who has studied the national debacle for the advocacy group Human Rights Watch. Experts estimate that hundreds of thousands of kits are languishing in police warehouses.

If that rape kit had been tested and entered into the database sooner, the man could have been caught sooner—and five women’s lives could have been saved.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Corruption Dare No Longer Be a Taboo Topic in This Presidential Election

First, the sheer magnitude of cash in the elections has a nasty smell. Not since "Watergate" in 1972 have major financial contributors to presidential election campaigns been able to hide their identity as so many of them are now able to do. The Supreme Court asserted in its 2010 Citizens United ruling that as part of the Constitutional right to free speech, organizations and individuals could use their money as they wish, privately and anonymously, in support of whatever political views they might hold.

This is a huge blow to transparency and an invitation to corrupt practices. This year's elections may involve more than $2 billion in campaign cash and it is hard to believe that the biggest donors will not expect to enjoy powerful influence if their candidates win office. The voter sees this and is appalled. The 2008 U.S. elections involved close to $1.8 billion of campaign cash -- how much of it bought special access, special favors and special influence to those with politicians to those who made particularly generous contributions, and those who "bundled" the mega-contributions on behalf of candidates?

Second, many prominent politicians have been brought to justice in recent years by courageous public prosecutors. As each new case hits the headlines, so over time the combined impact is bound to damage the image of all engaged in politics. Rod Blagojevich, former Governor of the State of Illinois, started a 14-year-jail term this year on being found guilty on 17 charges of fraud and corruption -- the harshest sentence that any politician in the U.S. has received in modern times for graft. From Illinois to New Jersey and New York State, to Alabama, California, Florida, Louisiana, Ohio and the U.S. capital of Washington D.C., prominent politicians and public officials have been indicted for corruption and, in many instances, current investigations into corrupt politics are underway. The public reads the stories in the local media, one upon another, as a sick compendium is compiled.

Third, the 2008/2009 financial crisis, which devastated the economy, owed much to the transformation by Wall Street of financial services firms into casinos. But, none of the leaders of the biggest mortgage companies and banks have been indicted for wrong-doing and many of them, who lost their jobs, took home multimillion dollar compensation packages. For many Americans there is an abiding sense that Wall Street financiers participated in massive corruption and got away with it, thanks to their cozy ties to the government agencies that are meant to be regulating our financial system in the public interest.

And, this takes me to the fourth reason why Americans are so concerned about government corruption: They see Washington, D.C. as a cesspool of special interest lobbyists who have made elected officials so beholden to them that Congress is in permanent gridlock, the federal budget is a disaster, the economy is faltering, and a host of enterprises, who engage armies of lobbyists, are prospering.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tampa strip-club king: RNC not great for business

Rikileaks: Redner says his biggest accomplishment has been in the battles he's waged against local, state and federal governments -- some successful, others not. After opening his first strip club -- Redner prefers the term "adult entertainment" -- he was arrested 36 times on obscenity charges by officials. He claimed that it was his First Amendment right to operate the club.

In 2000, Redner vehemently opposed the so-called "six-foot rule," a county ordinance preventing adult entertainers from coming within six feet of their clients. The rule is still on the books, but isn't enforced.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

My Movie I’m taking a stand to end slavery: modern-day labor, sex trafficking and child abuse...

Stephanie Brown, Richard’s 17-year old granddaughter, died of a fatal drug-overdose on March 16, 2007, after being hired at a local downriver strip-club in Lincoln Park, Michigan, where two patrons (a volunteer basketball coach and an ordained minister) including a dancer at the club, sex-trafficked Stephanie to a local motel down the street and where she died that morning.

Together the State of Michigan and Stephanie’s family successfully prosecuted the drug-dealing, junior high school volunteer coach and later settled out-of-court with the strip-club for employing an underage person for sex-work. However, Richard continues to pursue other legal rights, causes and criminal investigations in human and labor trafficking cases regarding Stephanie’s death at the local, state and federal levels including international awareness and education.

Richard A. Sands, Ret. PI
(MIRRC) Board of Directors
(AhEeCOSH) Investigative Reporter
Marygrove College - MA Student
Social Justice Program - 10th Cohort
734-771-7251 Fax: 734-281-4087

Friday, August 10, 2012

Catholic Nuns Send Romney Letter, Call Out His 'Woeful Lack Of Knowledge’ About The Poor

The group of Catholic nuns who launched the Nuns On A Bus tour to shed light on the effects the House Republican budget would have on the poor turned its attention to the GOP’s presidential candidate this week, challenging Mitt Romney to join them for a day to learn about the plight of the poor. NETWORK, a Catholic social justice organization, issued the call on Wednesday and was joined yesterday by the Franciscan Action Network, an organization of friars and sisters.
We are deeply troubled by your campaign’s recent advertisements and statements about welfare, which we believe demonize the families we serve and reflect a woeful lack of knowledge about the challenges faced by tens of millions of Americans. By accepting our invitation, we hope that you will have the opportunity to see firsthand the struggles of those in need and have the compassion to desist your campaign’s harsh attacks.
We are all God’s children and equal in God’s eyes. Efforts to divide us by class or score political points at the expense of the most vulnerable of our brothers and sisters reveal the worst side of our country’s politics. Please accept our invitation to witness and to serve.