Contact: Richard A. Sands, Ret. PI or 734-771-7251

Email or Call 734-771-7251 Richard A. Sands, Ret. PI

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Volunteers Making a Difference!

Modern-day Slavery (Awareness Project Online)

Religious groups team up to fight sex trafficking -

Law enforcement is increasingly teaming up with faith groups to combat sex trafficking around the country. Some are calling the faith-based push against human trafficking the newest “Christian abolitionist movement.”

The issue drew the attention of President Obama at former President Bill Clinton’s Clinton Global Initiative on Tuesday (Sept. 25), where Obama said the estimated 20 million victims of human trafficking would become a major focus of his Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships.

“Like that Good Samaritan on the road to Jericho, we can’t just pass by, indifferent,” Obama said. “We’ve got to be moved by compassion. We’ve got to bind up the wounds.”

Thursday, September 20, 2012

“You're So Vain” Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan's politics only about “Takers ZX-vs-ZY Makers” of American Dreams

Mitt Romney Caught-On-Video Telling Group That “His Job Is Not To Worry About 47, 48, 49 Percent of All U.S. American Citizens”
“You're So Vain” Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan's politics only about “Takers ZX-vs-ZY Makers” of American Dreams

A +/- 3 Percent margin of error, means 44 maybe 52 Percent of All U.S. American Citizens have no chance under Romney’s hell or high water political agenda.   
There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. (People) ...who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. And they will vote for this president no matter what. And I mean the president starts off with 48, 49... he starts off with a huge number.
And so my job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives. What I have to is convince the five to ten percent in the center that are independents, that are thoughtful, that look at voting one way or the other depending upon in some cases emotion, whether they like the guy or not.

(The Conservative Republicans trying to run or govern and control our country, these United States, seems to forget that “We the People” means everyone..., every man, woman and child – NOT 47, 48 or 49 percent. Which by the way, translates into what the republican conservatives really mean is that 98 percent of All U.S. American Citizens will eventually have no health care, food, housing, to you-name-it until the greedy two percent, corporate elite has it all, including maybe even our soul).

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Michigan Rescue and Restore Coalition - Building Bridges


This Coalition is dedicated to raising awareness about human trafficking in the metro Detroit area and Michigan. We will educate and train the community.

The eyes of our understanding has to be opened! We all must learn to recognize the crime of human trafficking. We all must become advocates and abolitionist against this criminal activity.

Join us and help impact change for generations to come.
We cannot put our heads in the sand.
No one is free until all are free!

I'm taking a stand to end slavery: modern-day labor, sex trafficking and child abuse...

Stephanie Brown, Richard's 17-year old granddaughter, died of a fatal drug-overdose on March 16, 2007, after being hired at a local downriver strip-club in Lincoln Park, Michigan, where two patrons (a volunteer basketball coach and an ordained minister) including a dancer at the club, sex-trafficked Stephanie to a local motel down the street and where she died that morning.

Together the State of Michigan and Stephanie's family successfully prosecuted a drug-dealing, junior high school volunteer coach and later settled out-of-court with the strip-club for employing an underage person for sex-work. However, Richard continues to pursue other legal rights, causes and criminal investigations in human and labor trafficking cases regarding Stephanie's death at the local, state and federal levels including international awareness and education.

Richard A. Sands, Ret. PI
(MIRRC) Board of Directors
(AhEeCOSH) Investigative Reporter
Southgate Tenth Precinct Delegate
Marygrove College - MA Student
Social Justice Program - 10th Cohort
734-771-7251 Fax: 734-281-4087


Saturday, September 8, 2012

11 x We r Petitioning The President of the United States and U.S. Congress

U.S. 2013 Trafficking In Persons (TIP) Report – Preview: United States downgraded from Tier 1 to Tier 2, an indication that the country was sliding in the effort to eradicate the menace by its failed leadership… Petitioning The President of the United States Reauthorize Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) This petition will be delivered to: The President of the United States The U.S. House of Representatives The U.S. Senate via 11 x We r Petitioning The President of the United States and U.S. Congress.

U.S. 2013 Trafficking In Persons Report – Preview
United States downgraded from Tier 1 to Tier 2, an indication that the country was sliding in the effort to eradicate the menace by its failed leadership…
Petitioning The President of the United States
Reauthorize Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA)
This petition will be delivered to:
The President of the United States
The U.S. House of Representatives
The U.S. Senate
Richard A. Sands, Ret. PI
(MIRRC) Board of Directors
(AhEeCOSH) Investigative Reporter
Marygrove College - MA Student
Social Justice Program - 10th Cohort
734-771-7251 Fax: 734-281-4087

Thursday, September 6, 2012

U.S. 2013 Trafficking In Persons Report – Preview

United States downgraded from Tier 1 to Tier 2, an indication that the country was sliding in the effort to eradicate the menace by its failed leadership...
Reauthorize Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA)

Petitioning The President of the United States

Reauthorize Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA)

This petition will be delivered to:

The President of the United States

The U.S. House of Representatives

The U.S. Senate


I just signed the following petition addressed to: United States Congress.

Reauthorize the U.S. Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA)

I’m taking a stand to end slavery: modern-day labor, sex trafficking and child abuse…

Stephanie Brown, Richard’s 17-year old granddaughter, died of a fatal drug-overdose on March 16, 2007, after being hired at a local downriver strip-club in Lincoln Park, Michigan, where two patrons (a volunteer basketball coach and an ordained minister) including a dancer at the club, sex-trafficked Stephanie to a local motel down the street and where she died that morning.

Together the State of Michigan and Stephanie’s family successfully prosecuted the drug-dealing, junior high school volunteer coach and later settled out-of-court with the strip-club for employing an underage person for sex-work. However, Richard continues to pursue other legal rights, causes and criminal investigations in human and labor trafficking cases regarding Stephanie’s death at the local, state and federal levels including international awareness and education.



[Your name]

Monday, September 3, 2012

2012 Vote 4 Obama/Biden


2012 Vote 4 Obama/Biden

Richard Sands is a Retired Professional Investigator from Southgate, MI

Organizing is centered around personal stories — this is where you can tell yours. Why are you in? Let your fellow organizers know who you are, where you’re from, and why you’re here.

“Why I’m in” It’s the political agenda, mission and goals of our own Democratic Party that has, without question or exception, filled my heart with sincere hope for a better tomorrow by following and supporting President Barack Obama’s leadership in rebuilding America from the bottom up. “We the People” ought to and “Yes We Can” matter most to each other including our own family, friends, and community’s safety, health and welfare issues and indeed, before or above any corporate personhood special interests that we did, in-fact, help to build.

My name is Richard Sands, I am one of three 2012 Southgate 10th Prescient Delegates for the Democratic Party, I am working on my Master’s degree in Social Justice at Marygrove College, the Board Chairperson for Michigan Rescue and Restore Coalition, as well as a State Ambassador for the United Support and Memorial for Workplace Fatalities

Looking forward to working together with everyone and please feel free to contact me or review the following website and my blogs to get to know me a little better, thank you.

Richard A. Sands, Ret. PI
(MIRRC) Board of Directors
(AhEeCOSH) Investigative Reporter
Marygrove College – MA Student
Social Justice Program – 10th Cohort
734-771-7251 Fax: 734-281-4087,

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Bain Capital Under Investigation For Tax Avoidance-Romney Denies Any Benefit


Did Clint Eastwood steal Romney's thunder? Dirty Harry’s PoliTricks Message 4U
All right. I started, you finish it. Go ahead.

AUDIENCE: Make my day!

I wondered about when the -- what do you want me to tell Romney? I can’t tell him to do that. I can’t tell him to do that to himself.

(APPLAUSE) Clint Eastwood’s message was brilliant social engineering that said, “YES WE CAN” His own Party and US Democrats will in November....

The New York Times is reporting that Bain Capital, the private equity firm founded by GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney, is among a number of firms being investigated by New York Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman, for failing to pay taxes.